Last transmission: 09.10.2021 12:10 | Bayerischer Fechterverband e.V.

Present 131
Total 131
Call 08:30
Begin 09:00


Type Pools
Exempt 0
Number of pools 19
Seeding FIE-Rules
Moved by Club
Hits and times 5 Hits | 3:00 min
Promoted to next round 104
Advance by Index (all equals are qualified)
This round is taken into account for direct elimination seeding.
Type Direct elimination
Direct elimination mode Tabellone di 128
Tabellone di 128#Finale a 4
Hits and times 15 Hits | 3 x 3:00 min | 1:00 min


Wilfried Gsching - Wettkampfmanager
Björn Rausch - Wettkampfmanager
Richard Junghanns - Bundestrainer Nachwuchs