Last transmission: 12.03.2023 14:17 | Hellenic Fencing Federation

Present 70
Total 70
Call 08:30
Begin 09:00


First round
Type Pools
Exempt 0
Number of pools 10
Seeding FIE-Rules
Moved by Club
Hits and times 5 Hits | 3:00 min
Promoted to next round 56
Advance by Index (all equals are qualified)
This round is taken into account for direct elimination seeding.
Direct elimination
Type Direct elimination
Direct elimination mode Main-Table of 64 World Cup
World Cup
Table of 64
places 1-16 by drawing lots in pairs for the exempted fencers of first round
places 17-32 fencers who have the highest indices after the round of pools
Draw of lot in case of equal indice
for place 32 barrage by 5 hits
places 33-64 following fencers by order of the indices place 17-48 after the round of pools
Draw of lot in case of equal indice
Final of 4
Hits and times 10 Hits | 2 x 3:00 min | 1:00 min